Choreographer/director Peter DiMuro and psychologist/singer Pamela Enders, Ph.D. join forces in this engaging workshop designed to help performers positively connect with their bodies and minds to reduce tension and anxiety so that they can perform with confidence and joy. All kinds of performers – singers, dancers, musicians, actors and others – will benefit from tools to interrupt alignment and movement habits, as well as visualization exercises that heighten the performer’s positive practice and choices.
Cost: $25 (scholarships available)
REGISTER HEREAccepted Payments: Payment accepted via registration platform
What is the legacy of the genre/form/style you are teaching?
The study of performance is ancient- from the moment any civilization translated stories to be told among people. Pamela’s work in this workshop is rooted in visualization techniques, often used in sports and other phsyical performance therapy strategies. Peter bases his teaching in this workshop on the study of Laban, acting techniques, as well as mind/body modes borrowed from Alexander and Feldenkrais, as taught by Martha Myers and others at the American Dance Festival.
What background, training, and or relationship do you have with this style/technique/class subject?
Dr. Enders’ work is based both on her experience as a psychologist and as an award-winning cabaret performer. Recent engagements include CabaretFest in Provincetown both teaching and performing (several seasons); and as a regularly rotating host at Club Cafe’s Napoleon Room in Boston. Peter DiMuro is an actor/performer/director having worked in multiple disciplines of theatre, cabaret, dance, opera internationally, and as a teacher has taught movement /dance to a range of those new to performance and seasoned professionals.
As a peak performance expert, Dr Pamela Enders works with business professionals and performing artists to help them maximize their effectiveness and perform at an optimal level in any high stakes performance situation. A psychologist for over 40 years, former Harvard Medical School faculty member, performing artist (vocalist), and performance coach, Pamela practices what she preaches. Most importantly, she loves seeing the transformation in her clients’ performances from good to great to unparalleled.
Peter DiMuro has shape-shifted as a performer since his early studies at university. From acting and directing to dancing and choreographing, he has worked with the widest slice of humanity in creative processes: all ages, all abilities, all socio-economic backgrounds, and multiple cultures. The accumulation of knowledge through these creative practice dialogues has translated into a body of tools that encourage and develop the unique expression each individual participant brings to a circle of learning. While more known in the dance world, he puts his own performance vulnerability on display through a return to acting and singing in more recent years.
Finish this statement: I am passionate about teaching this style because…
…We both believe in this work because our own performance lives have been enhanced by these strategies and techniques.
How can students learn more about this offering?
Instagram: @peterdimuro
Facebook: Peter DiMuro | Peter DiMuro/Public Displays of Motion
Contact Information
202 905 4662 | |